Is my water pressure sufficient to add an additional bathroom?
/Whenever you’re looking to add additional outlets to an existing water system, it’s important to consider the impact this will have on the rest of the system. The first question should always be, is there enough water pressure to support the additional outlets?
Any additional outlets will put additional demand on your water supply and reduce pressure elsewhere.
In the case of an en-suite or additional bathroom, this could be significant and will put additional demand on your water supply. This in turn will have a direct effect on your water pressure and flow on all outlets. This could result it not only a weak shower, but problems with your boiler, washing machine or other appliances.
The extent of this drop in pressure will come down to how much pressure you have. As well as the number of outlets that you have open at any one time.
With Proflo water pressure booster, this additional demand can be catered for enabling you to add an additional bathroom without significant changes to other parts of your water system. Once installed, you will be able to run multiple outlets at once with a steady and balanced flow through each outlet.
Click here and get in touch for no obligation advice on water pressure problems